Department of History

Tony Novosel

  • Part-Time Instructor


History of Russia and the Soviet Union
Modern European History 
Northern Ireland
Cultural impact of the Great War in European and World History
Problems Facing Societies Making the Transition to a Post-Conflict Society.


History of the Soviet Union: Pre-Revolutionary Russia to the Present
Western Civilization II (University Honors College)
History of Modern Ireland: 1603-1916 
Ireland:  The “Troubles:” 1969-1994
Ireland’s Loyal Rebels: The Protestants of Ulster
History of the Russian Revolution 1917-1932
Western Civilization 1 (Ancient World-1700)
World War I in Comparative Perspectives
Professional Development for History Majors and Minors

Representative Publications

Northern Ireland's Lost Opportunity: The Frustrated Promise of Political Loyalism (Pluto Press, 2013)

Research Interests

Developed online syllabi for University Honors College and College of General Studies. 

Involved in developing Web based courses using synchronous and asynchronous learning for the College of General Studies. Currently working with an education project to promote peace through education and economic development in Northern Ireland known as the Study USA.  Developed a research project in Northern Ireland, that interviewed members and former members of the Ulster Volunteer Force, the Red Hand Commando and Loyalist Politicians regarding their political development and political analysis between 1972-19872, for ending the conflict in Northern Ireland. This resulted in the book Northern Ireland’s Lost Opportunity: The Frustrated Promise of Political Loyalism. Between 2009 and 2014 did many talks for community groups, ex-combatants, ex-prisoners and current members of the UVF and RHC and Irish Republicans on my findings.   Over the years have provided orientations to Amizade, Coe College, Duke University, Indiana University and other organizations who went to Northern Ireland to study the conflict.   I continue to work with the Fellowship of Messines in Belfast on Common History Projects around the key historical events in Irish History.